











- 本地参赛者

- 非本地参赛者






































起、终点 香港国际机场中跑道




参赛者需于所属组别的两小时内到达指定集合点 - 亚洲国际博览馆,并完成以下程序:

  • 参赛资格验证及安检
  • 行李检查及寄存
  • 乘搭大会指定交通前往起跑区










  • 号码布(连计时芯片)
  • 行李袋及行李号码牌
  • 赛事纪念T-恤
  • 其他纪念品


  • 报名时,参赛者必须提供与其身份证明文件一致的个人资料(香港身份证或其他旅游证件)
  • 十公里及五公里跑手必须于2024年已年满16岁或以上(以年份计)。三公里赛事的参加者必须于报名时年满12岁及拥有具参赛者相片之有效香港身份证或旅游证件
  • 参赛者须自行在指定日子和地点出示「跑手包领取电邮」及已登记的具参赛者相片之身份证明文件正本(香港身份证或旅游证件)领取跑手包,大会不接受任何代领安排
  • 因应机场保安有限公司要求,如参加者于领取跑手包时发现其身份证明文件与号码布的个人资料有任何不同,大会需再次与机场保安公司核对其已更新的个人资料。由于过程需时及避免耽误跑手行程,参加者必须于报名时填写与用作其登记的参赛者身份证明文件一致的个人资料。大会亦呼吁参加者于指定日期内尽早领取跑手包
  • 工作人员会于活动当日核对参赛者的身份证明文件及号码布上的資料是否一致


  • T-恤尺寸供应视乎存货量而定
  • 完成付款程序后,参赛者不能再更改其已选择的T-恤尺寸




Distance Date Quota Entry Fee Age Limit Registration Period Important Point To Note Public Ballot Entry Start / Finish Time Limit Category (Start Time) Assembly Venue Special Transportation Arrangement Runner’s Pack Collection Important Point to Note Event Souvenir Tee Awards Finisher Souvenir




HKD550 (local participants – HKID Card Holders)
USD85/CNY610 (non-local participants)

Participants of the event must be 16 years old or above as of 2025 (count by year of birth)

Priority Entry

Registration & Submission of Qualifying Result: 16 July 2024 (Tue) 2pm – 20 July 2024 (Sat) 6pm

For more, please refer to page of “Priority Entry Registration“

Public Ballot

Registration: 25 July 2024 (Thu) 2pm – 1 Aug 2024 (Thu) 6pm

The personal particulars provided must be identical to those stated on your registered identification document (i.e., Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or other Travel Documents accepted by the Organiser)

  • Start time of successful applications will be assigned by the Organiser. Such assignment will be carried out based on the Estimated Finishing Time provided by the applicants at the time of registration.
  • Applicants are requested to provide their expected finishing time accurately.

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road

3 hours (full course)

To facilitate the reopening of closed roads, segmented cut-off times will be implemented at checkpoints^ along the course.

Details to be announced.

^ If a participant fails to reach the checkpoints within the specified time, s/he must follow the instructions given by the officials to board the designated shuttle bus and return to the Assembly Venue (AsiaWorld-Expo).

Challenge (7:15am)

Age Category:

  • Junior Age 16-19 (born in 2006 – 2009)
  • Senior Age 20-34 (born between 6 Jan 1990 & 31 Dec 2005)
  • Master 1 Age 35-39 (born between 6 Jan 1985 & 5 Jan 1990)
  • Master 2 Age 40-44 (born between 6 Jan 1980 & 5 Jan 1985)
  • Master 3 Age 45-49 (born between 6 Jan 1975 & 5 Jan 1980)
  • Master 4 Age 50-54 (born between 6 Jan 1970 & 5 Jan 1975)
  • Master 5 Age 55-59 (born between 6 Jan 1965 & 5 Jan 1970)
  • Master 6 Age 60-64 (born between 6 Jan 1960 and 5 Jan 1965)
  • Master 7 Age 65-69 (born 6 Jan 1955 and 5 Jan 1960)
  • Master 8 Age 70 or above (born on or before 5 Jan 1955)


Run 1 (7:45am)

Run 2 (8:15am)

Run 3 (8:45am)

To assemble in AsiaWorld-Expo 2 hours prior to the assigned start time on the event day (assembly entrance cut-off time: 70mins before) and complete the following procedures:

  • Baggage check and storage
  • Security check and identity verification
  • Proceed to the starting area by taking designated transportation

Participants must bring the number bib (with the timing chip) as well as their original ID registered during the registration to the Assembly Venue.

Participants should present their identification document to the official to check and confirm the personal particulars printed on the number bib and identification document are identical.

Details to be announced in the “Runners Guide”.

Date: 3 January 2025 (Fri) 4pm – 8pm and 4 January 2025 (Sat) 10am – 6pm

Venue: Piazza, Kowloon Park

Items included in the Runner’s Pack:

  • Number bib (with timing chip)
  • Baggage bag and baggage number label
  • Event souvenir tee
  • Other souvenirs
  • Participants are required to bring along their Runner’s Pack Collection Email together with the original of the registered identification document to collect their Runner’s Pack in person.
  • The officials will verify the personal particulars printed on the number bib and identification documents are the identical.
  • Collection of runner’s pack on behalf of the others will not be accepted.
  • Participants are required to bring along their Runner’s Pack Collection Email together with the original registered ID (i.e., Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or other Travel Documents accepted by the Organiser) to collect their Runner’s Pack in person.
  • The officials will verify whether the information on the participant’s ID is identical to that on the number bib
  • Collection of runner’s pack on behalf of the others will not be accepted.
Supply of tee sizes are subject to stock availability. Selected tee size cannot be changed once the entry fee payment is completed.

Only participants of Challenge Race are entitled to compete for the awards

Finisher Medal and e-Certificate will be distributed/ issued to participants who finish the race within the time limit.

年龄组别(男、女子) 年龄 资格
青年组 16岁至19岁 出生于2005年至2008年
壮年组 20岁至34岁 出生于1989年11月18日至2004年12月31日
先进一组 35岁至39岁 出生于1984年11月18日至1989年11月17日
先进二组 40岁至44岁 出生于1979年11月18日至1984年11月17日
先进三组 45岁至49岁 出生于1974年11月18日至1979年11月17日
先进四组 50岁至54岁 出生于1969年11月18日至1974年11月17日
先进五组 55岁至59岁 出生于1964年11月18日至1969年11月17日
先进六组 60岁至64岁 出生于1959年11月18日至1964年11月17日
先进七组 65岁至69岁 出生于1954年11月18日至1959年11月17日
先进八组 70岁或以上 出生于1954年11月17日或以前
Age Group (Men & Women) Age Qualification
16 – 19
Born between 2005 – 2008
20 – 34
Born between 18 November 1989 – 31 December 2004
Master 1
35 – 39
Born between 18 November 1984 – 17 November 1989
Master 2
40 – 44
Born between 18 November 1979 – 17 November 1984
Master 3
45 – 49
Born between 18 November 1974 – 17 November 1979
Master 4
50 – 54
Born between 18 November 1969 – 17 November 1974
Master 5
55 – 59
Born between 18 November 1964 – 17 November 1969
Master 6
60 – 64
Born between 18 November 1959 – 17 November 1964
Master 7
65 – 69
Born between 18 November 1954 – 17 November 1959
Master 8
70 or above
Born on or before 17 November 1954


21.0975km (Half Marathon)


5 January 2025 (Sunday)



Entry Fee

HKD550 (local participants – HKID Card Holders)

USD85/CNY610 (non-local participants)

Age Limit

Participants of the event must be 16 years old or above as of 2025 (count by year of birth)

Registration Period

Priority Entry

21.0975km (Half Marathon)

For more, please refer to page of “Priority Entry Registration“

Priority Entry

21.0975km (Half Marathon)

Important Point To Note

The personal particulars provided must be identical to those stated on your registered identification document (i.e., Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or other Travel Documents accepted by the Organiser)

Public Ballot Entry

  • Start time of successful applications will be assigned by the Organiser. Such assignment will be carried out based on the Estimated Finishing Time provided by the applicants at the time of registration.
  • Applicants are requested to provide their expected finishing time accurately.

Start / Finish

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road

Time Limit

  • 3 hours (full course)

    To facilitate the reopening of closed roads, segmented cut-off times will be implemented at checkpoints^ along the course.

    Details to be announced.

    ^ If a participant fails to reach the checkpoints within the specified time, s/he must follow the instructions given by the officials to board the designated shuttle bus and return to the Assembly Venue (AsiaWorld-Expo).

Category (Start Time)

  • Challenge (7:15am)

    Age Category:

    • Junior Age 16-19 (born in 2006 – 2009)
    • Senior Age 20-34 (born between 6 Jan 1990 & 31 Dec 2005)
    • Master 1 Age 35-39 (born between 6 Jan 1985 & 5 Jan 1990)
    • Master 2 Age 40-44 (born between 6 Jan 1980 & 5 Jan 1985)
    • Master 3 Age 45-49 (born between 6 Jan 1975 & 5 Jan 1980)
    • Master 4 Age 50-54 (born between 6 Jan 1970 & 5 Jan 1975)
    • Master 5 Age 55-59 (born between 6 Jan 1965 & 5 Jan 1970)
    • Master 6 Age 60-64 (born between 6 Jan 1960 and 5 Jan 1965)
    • Master 7 Age 65-69 (born 6 Jan 1955 and 5 Jan 1960)
    • Master 8 Age 70 or above (born on or before 5 Jan 1955)


    Run 1 (7:45am)

    Run 2 (8:15am)

    Run 3 (8:45am)

Assembly Venue

  • To assemble in AsiaWorld-Expo 2 hours prior to the assigned start time on the event day (assembly entrance cut-off time: 70mins before) and complete the following procedures:
    • Baggage check and storage
    • Security check and identity verification
    • Proceed to the starting area by taking designated transportation

    Participants must bring the number bib (with the timing chip) as well as their original ID registered during the registration to the Assembly Venue.

    Participants should present their identification document to the official to check and confirm the personal particulars printed on the number bib and identification document are identical.

Special Transportation Arrangement

Details to be announced in the “Runners Guide”.

Runner’s Pack Collection

  • Date: 3 January 2025 (Fri) 4pm – 8pm and 4 January 2025 (Sat) 10am – 6pm

    Venue: Piazza, Kowloon Park

    Items included in the Runner’s Pack:

    • Number bib (with timing chip)
    • Baggage bag and baggage number label
    • Event souvenir tee
    • Other souvenirs
    • Participants are required to bring along their Runner’s Pack Collection Email together with the original of the registered identification document to collect their Runner’s Pack in person.
    • The officials will verify the personal particulars printed on the number bib and identification documents are the identical.
    • Collection of runner’s pack on behalf of the others will not be accepted.

Important Point to Note

  • Participants are required to bring along their Runner’s Pack Collection Email together with the original registered ID (i.e., Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or other Travel Documents accepted by the Organiser) to collect their Runner’s Pack in person.
  • The officials will verify whether the information on the participant’s ID is identical to that on the number bib
  • Collection of runner’s pack on behalf of the others will not be accepted.

Event Souvenir Tee

    • Supply of tee sizes are subject to stock availability.
    • Selected tee size cannot be changed once the entry fee payment is completed.


Only participants of Challenge Race are entitled to compete for the awards

Finisher Souvenir

Finisher Medal and e-Certificate will be distributed/ issued to participants who finish the race within the time limit.

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adipiscing elit. Quisque eget augue ante,
sed bibendum ligula vel sapien.

Our doors are open
07:00 - 22:00

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