Arrangements under Adverse Weather

Tropical Cyclone Warning & Rainstorm Signal 

The Event will be cancelled if tropical cyclone warning signal no.3 or above, or a red or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 4:30 am or thereafter on the Race Day (i.e. 17 November 2024, Sunday). Please pay special attention to the weather forecast the night before the Event as it will indicate whether tropical cyclone warning signals, red or black rainstorm signals are likely to be hoisted in the forthcoming period. Please follow updates on the radio or TV announcements regarding the status of the Event from 3:00 am onwards on the Event Day.

Amber / Red lightning Warning Signals at HKIA

Hong Kong International Airport is equipped with the Airport Lightning Warning System to safeguard the safety of personnel on the apron. An Amber Lightning Warning is issued when lightning is detected within a five-kilometre radius from the airport island and intense radar echo within 15 kilometres from the island, and all non-essential activities in open areas will be suspended. Meanwhile, a Red Lightning Warning is issued when lightning is detected within a one-kilometre domain surrounding the airport island. When the Red Lightning Warning is hoisted, all ramp activities will stop immediately. Participants should follow the instructions given by the race officials at the Event venue.